contoh kalimat the simple life
- We believe in livin' the simple life.
Kami percaya Livin ' hidup sederhana. - Sometimes I think I'd just like the simple life, you know?
Kadang-kadang aku berpikir aku hanya ingin hidup sederhana, kau tahu? - She's sworn off "the simple life,"
Dia bersumpah menjauhi "simple life," - Give me the simple life
Give me the simple life - The Simple Life Trilogy, First Edition released on September 2013 (Indonesian version)
Trilogi Hidup Sederhana, Edisi 1 terbit September 2013 (versi bahasa Indonesia). - 10 Agu 21, 2014 Statistic THE SIMPLE LIFE TRILOGY SOLD OUT 3000 SETS
10 Agu 21, 2014 Statistik TRILOGI HIDUP SEDERHANA TERJUAL 3000 SET - Gives access to the widest occurred community involvement in the celebration of the simple life
Memberi akses agar terjadi keterlibatan masyarakat yang seluas-luasnya terhadap perayaan hidup sederhana - So, we share with you the simple life hacking for a smooth pastime in the kitchen .
Jadi, kami berbagi dengan Anda sederhana kehidupan hacker untuk hobi halus di dapur . - You can take your rule book and shove it right... (give ME THE simple life PLAYING)
kau bisa mengambil peraturan buku mu itu dan dorongan itu benar... (GIVE ME THE SIMPLE LIFE PLAYING) - Due to her incarceration, The Simple Life finished its run at the end of its fifth season in July 2007.
Karena penahanannya, The Simple Life selesai ditayangkan pada akhir musim kelima pada bulan Juli 2007. - The video was released by Salomon shortly before Hilton's TV series The Simple Life debuted, causing a media sensation.
Video ini mulai tersebar luas setelah film seri Hilton, The Simple Life, mulai ditayangkan di televisi. - The Simple Life was canceled by Fox after three seasons in 2005 following a dispute between Hilton and Richie.
The Simple Life dihentikan oleh Fox setelah tiga musim di tahun 2005 mengikuti perselisihan diantara Hilton dan Richie. - Five social project Giharu is a big Giharu ideals, the author of The Simple Life Trilogy from the hillside of Sindoro Sumbing..
Lima proyek sosial Giharu adalah cita-cita besar Giharu, penulis The Simple Life Trilogy dari lereng Sindoro Sumbing. - We apologize for the inconvenience, because our limitations then some data are not yet up to date prior to The Simple Life Trilogy book.
Maaf atas ketidaknyamananya, karena keterbatasan kami maka beberapa data belum terkini terlebih untuk buku Trilog Hidup Sederhana - Inspired by Chinese Chan Buddhism, Dōgen was attracted to a return of the simple life as exemplified by the Buddha in the sūtras.
Terinspirasi oleh Buddhisme Chan dari Tiongkok, Dōgen berniat kembali ke kehidupan yang sederhana seperti yang dicontoh oleh Buddha dalam sūtra-sūtra. - Spirit of the simple life still continues to wander and looking for souls that need cherished. That so the book of The Simple Life Trilogy Simple continues to work.
Roh hidup sederhana masih terus mengembara dan mencari jiwa-jiwa yang butuh disayangi. Begitulah buku Trilogi Hidup Sederhana terus bekerja. - Spirit of the simple life still continues to wander and looking for souls that need cherished. That so the book of The Simple Life Trilogy Simple continues to work.
Roh hidup sederhana masih terus mengembara dan mencari jiwa-jiwa yang butuh disayangi. Begitulah buku Trilogi Hidup Sederhana terus bekerja. - Cynicism is a belief or group of people who reject all conventions of society, religion, manner, dress, housing, and they pursue the simple life without materialism.
Sinisme adalah kepercayaan atau kelompok masyarakat yang menolak semua Konvensi masyarakat, agama, cara, pakaian, perumahan, dan mereka mengejar kehidupan sederhana tanpa materialisme. - Fong says he's enjoyed our company but he'll be heading back to China now, to return to the simple life of being an acrobat for the emperor.
Fong bilang dia suka bersama-sama dengan kita tapi dia akan kembali ke China sekarang, untuk kembali ke kehidupan sederhana menjadi pemain akrobat bagi kaisar. - Hilton was frequently seen carrying Tinkerbell (dubbed an "accessory dog") at social events and functions, and in all five seasons of television reality show The Simple Life.
Hilton sering terlihat membawa Tinkerbell (dijuluki sebagai "anjing pelengkap") di acara-acara dan acara sosial, dan dalam lima musim acara realitas televisi berjudul The Simple Life.